Friday 30 November 2012

BCA 204 DATA STRUCTURES Model Question Paper (2007 Admission onwards)mg university

Time : 3 hrs Marks: 75

                                     Part A

                    (Answer any 10 Questions)

1. Define data structures
2. What is the complexity of algorithms?
3. What is a sparse matrix?
4. What is the use of stack in real life?
5. What is a dequeue?
6. What is garbage collection?
7. Explain dynamic data structures.
8. What is Binary Tree? Explain with example.
9. Explain inverted files
10. Explain tree traversal.
11. Explain Multi stacks
12. What is compaction? 10*3=30 marks

                           Part B

              (Answer all questions)

13. a)What is an array? What is Bubble sort? Explain with example
b)Explain Binary search and Linear Search
14. a)What is a Stack? Explain the algorithm to create and delete items in stacks.
b)What is a queue? Explain the algorithm to create and delete items in queue
15. a)What is linked list? Explain insertion and deletion of items in linked list using pointers.
b)Explain circular linked list with example
16. a)What is a tree? Explain the various traversing methods in trees
b)What is multi threaded binary trees? Explain with example.
17 a)Explain various file organizations
b)What is Linked file organization? Explain inverted files and hashing.
5*9=45 marks

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